Wijziging servicegebied

Vanwege gewijzigde omstandigheden in de markt organiseert Venture-travels vanaf 1 augustus 2024 geen individuele rondreizen meer.
Het aanbod hiervan op de website dient ter inspiratie, echter zal voor individuele reizigers niet meer worden verkocht vanaf genoemde datum.

Voor vragen kunt u uiteraard altijd contact opnemen via het contactformulier of per email.


About Venture travels, Westland groepsrondreizen and balinesemassage.nl

Venture travels is a company promoting tourism towards several destinations displayed on this website, and tourism only.

Westland groepsrondreizen is part of Venture travels. All statements in this document mentioned for Venture travels will apply for both Venture travels and Westland-groepsrondreizen.

Balinesemassage is part of Venture travels. All statements in this document mentioned for Venture travels will apply for Balinesemassage as well. Balinesemassage has gained the knowledge directly from official authorities in Bali Indonesia which is a guarantee for the best experiences, however Dutch laws may have different standards and different acknowledgements. Balinesemassage claims to have knowledge from Balinese educational institutions and authorities and and not from Dutch institutions and authorities in particular.

Terms and conditions for disclaimer

Since Venture travels is dealing with international parties we made this disclaimer in English language. Any translations from this disclamer can be used but Venture travels will always refer to this original document in English language.


  1. Venture travels does not warrant that our service and content on our website will be error free, complete or up-to-date at all times.
    Venture travels can never accept any claims in case of incorrect text or incorrect data presented on this website.

  2. Venture travels can never accept any claims in case of obviously wrong displayed prices and quotations due to misspelling or any imperfection or technical issues of our website.

  3. Photos, maps and text on this website are meant only for promotional purpose for tours or events in the countries we are promoting and giving information to users of our website only. Photos are from our own camera, provided by our agents or trusted partners. Maps are mainly based on information from Google Maps. Text has been produced by Venture travels based on our own knowledge and information acquired from other sources and never meant for scientific pupososes.Venture travels will never provide any photos, text or maps to any third parties without the permission of the intellectual owner.

  4. Venture travels never intends to deliberately violate any intellectual ownership or copyright. In case any person or party claims any of our published photos, text or maps belong to him, please send us email and we will remove the items from our website immediately. Venture travels can never accept any claims based on promotional items that are, or have been published on our website without notification of the party / owner who claims such intellectual ownership or copyright.

  5. Venture travels is entitled to put the service (temporarily) out of service and/or to reduce the use of it without any prior notification and without being obliged to pay any compensation whatsoever to the user, if in the opinion of Venture travels this is necessary, for instance in connection with the reasonably required maintenance of the service or due to force majeure (“overmacht”). Force majeure includes - but is not limited to - site or building blockades, strikes, riots, civil disruption, war, terrorist acts, inclement weather, epidemic, specific work interruptions, delay in transportation, earthquake, fire, storm, flood, or water damage, delay in or cancellation of the delivery to Venture travels of parts, goods or services ordered from third parties, or governmental, legal or regulatory restrictions.


Limitation of liability

  1. Venture travels's liability for attributably failing (“toerekenbare tekortkoming”) to perform the Agreement or any unlawful act (“onrechtmatige daad”) will be excluded, to the extent allowed by a mandatory or peremptory rule of law.

  2. In the event that Venture travels is liable for damages under a mandatory or peremptory rule of law, the damage will be limited to an amount of EUR 100.- per event (a series of connected events being considered as one event). In no event will Venture travels's total, aggregate liability, exceed EUR 200.-

  3. Venture travels's liability for consequential damages (“vermogensschade”, “gevolgschade”) arising out of, or in connection with the Agreement or these Terms of Use, such as, but not limited to, loss of profit, loss of business, loss of anticipated savings, or any other similar financial loss or loss of goodwill or reputation, or other incidental, indirect, punitive or exemplary damages of any kind, independent of whether the User provides notice to Venture travels of such potential injury, damages or loss, is excluded.

  4. In any event, a right to claim under the Agreement, these Terms of Use, unlawful act or otherwise shall lapse one (1) year after the occurrence giving rise to the claim or action.

  5. The limitations mentioned in the preceding paragraphs of this section shall not apply if and insofar as the damage or injury is the result of intentional acts (“opzet”) or omissions or gross negligence (“bewuste roekeloosheid”) by Venture travels or its managers.